Join us for five rich weekly sessions unveiling the Torah's secrets of pregnancy and childbirth:
Session #1: Learn How G-d/Hashem is Closer Than Ever During Pregnancy and Birth
Session #2: Pregnancy/Labor Tefillot: Prayer as the Pathway to Meaning
Session #3: Demystifying Segulot: Spiritual Pregnancy Practices
Session #4: Relaxation Techniques for Body AND Soul
Session #5: Diapers, Feedings, and Midnight Wakings...Elevated!
Session #1: Learn How G-d/Hashem is Closer Than Ever During Pregnancy and Birth
Session #2: Pregnancy/Labor Tefillot: Prayer as the Pathway to Meaning
Session #3: Demystifying Segulot: Spiritual Pregnancy Practices
Session #4: Relaxation Techniques for Body AND Soul
Session #5: Diapers, Feedings, and Midnight Wakings...Elevated!